Del, Primary election day is almost here! I am fortunate enough to not have an opponent. I would still love to see you get out and vote by next Tuesday, June 28th for US Senate and any of the down ticket races! I have been very busy the last few months working on the ranch and hitting the campaign trail. Plus, Debbie and I are proud grandparents to our new grandson, Jakey! On the trail, I have been roaming far and wide to visit Eagle Scouts, say hello at the Durango Car Show, and speak at the Archuletta Republican Women. Some good news from the front line: Club 20 gave me a 94% scorecard. This will be a leg up in the election this November. Also, I received a very nice thank you from a supporter, Sandy: Dear J Paul, I don't know what to say to thank you because you ALWAYS hit right on with what people want to know. You are a very gifted man. Your work ethic, honesty, and integrity have personally restored my faith that there are some honest, people-centered politicians. Please keep up the good work! May God give you the strength and energy you need. Also thanks for sharing your wonderful voice at our ACRW meeting—we might want a return engagement. Prayers from all of us for your re-election. Thank you again for coming and speaking at our ACRW meeting. Sincerely, Sandy Thank you for your unceasing, generous support! God Bless! Sincerely,  J. Paul Brown HD 59 | |