J. Paul Brown
Colorado State Representative
House District 59
State Capitol
200 E. Colfax, Room 271
Denver, Colorado 80203
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Suen65@aol.com" <Suen65@aol.com>
To: wjbrown@wildblue.net; brownjpaul@yahoo.com; meanmomma2@gmail.com; ned_barb@frontier.net; hbaxstrom@gmail.com; waynebuck@wildblue.net; ranchluv@yahoo.com; debbiebrown_6@yahoo.com; jeffbarnes@wildblue.net; k.briar@hotmail.com; dlbriar@hotmail.com; lasaterlamb@gmail.com; rjnaegle@frontier.net
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 3:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: American Sheep Industry Weekly August 26, 2011
ASI Recommends Changes to FSIS Lamb Nutrition Facts
In July 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) published a nutritional fact sheet for lamb and other meats. The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) and the American Lamb Board reviewed the lamb fact sheet and, in a letter to FSIS this week, recommended several corrections.
These recommendations included the misidentification of a cut and modifications to cut trimming standards, specific calorie and protein content and specific cooking methods.
Motion to Bar Wolf Hunts Denied
A federal appeals court on Thursday denied a request by animal activist groups to halt wolf hunts that are scheduled to begin next week in Idaho and Montana.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request by the groups that were seeking to cancel the hunts while the court considers a challenge to congressional action in April that removed wolves from federal protection in Montana and Idaho and in parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah.
Wolf hunts are scheduled to begin Aug. 30 in Idaho and Sept. 3 in Montana.
Reprinted in part from GreatFallsTribune.com
Eastern Wolf's Territory Labeled as Gray Wolf's
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reopened the public comment period on its May 5 proposal to remove the gray wolf population in the Western Great Lakes from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife because the wolf there actually is a different species. Removing all or parts of 29 eastern states from the gray wolf's designation of critical habitat also is being addressed.
The original public comment period closed on July 5, and the agency says it received more than 800 comments on the proposal.
The controversy regarding the gray wolf revolves around the reclassification of what the agency now believes are two distinct species of wolf, the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon). The eastern wolf has historically been classified as a subspecies of gray wolf.
Species are listed under the Endangered Species Act at the species level, so once the agency had determined that the eastern wolf was in fact its own species, a reevaluation of protections afforded the gray wolf was instigated by several state fish and game departments and conservation groups.
Currently, the gray wolf is listed as endangered throughout the eastern United States, even though that area is the historical range of the newly recognized species the eastern wolf.
Thus, the agency proposed to delist the gray wolf in areas now believed to be the range of the eastern wolf and to initiate a status review of the eastern wolf throughout its range.
The extended comment period will close Sept. 26. To review the Federal Register posting, go to www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-26/html/2011-21839.htm.
Forum to Focus on Antibiotic Use in Food Animal Production
The use of antibiotics in the production of food animals elicits polarizing opinions across the media today as consumers become more aware and interested in the way their food is produced. While livestock producers have realized that significant animal illness can be avoided by the use of antibiotics, consumers are being told that any use of antibiotics leads to a lower effectiveness of antibiotics in humans.
Although there have been several debates and discussions on this issue, the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) is planning a national forum in which experts in animal agriculture, researchers in the area of livestock health and experts in human health will come together to have a dialogue about the use of antibiotics in the sustainable production of food.
Participants in the forum will have the opportunity to hear from the research leaders and experts and join in the dialogue.
The forum, entitled "Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: A Dialogue for a Common Purpose," is scheduled to be held at the Hotel InterContinental O'Hare in Chicago, Ill., on Oct. 26-27. Registration is open to anyone interested in this issue. The registration fee is $295 with discounts for early registration and for NIAA members.
For more information, go to www.animalagriculture.org.
Quiet Start to First Internet Wool Auction
One of Australia's oldest industries has finally embraced the internet age with the first-ever online wool auction. Wool has been sold over the internet in the past via an electronic offer board, but the new system launched by the company, Auctions Plus, allows buyers to bid for bales in real time.
Landmark wool manager, Dave Hart, says it will take some time for interest in the new system to build amongst both buyers and sellers.
"It was a very interesting exercise, met with probably limited success in terms of how many bales were sold. Out of 1,100 bales offered, only 243 bales were sold," Hart said. "The online auction is planned to be a weekly event but will be conducted in a cooperative manner with the rest of the wool trade. It's a marketing option to complement what we already have, the proponents are saying."
The online auction was conducted last week by Wool Trade Plus, an arm of Auctions Plus, which has run livestock auctions online for many years. Auctions Plus is jointly owned by Landmark, Elders, and Rural Co. (also known as Roberts Ltd).
Reprinted in part from ABC Rural, Australia
Pennsylvania School District Using Sheep to Cut Costs
A small school district in Carlisle, Penn., is losing $2 million in state support this year after the state legislature made some of the largest education cuts in decades. But one school has come up with a creative way to take a small bite out of that deficit.
Tucked into a very informative article at Stateline about education cuts around the country is the delightful fact that Carlisle's Wilson Middle School assistant principal has donated the use of seven of his sheep to cut the school's grass. The sheep are expected to save the district an estimated $15,000 on yearly mowing costs.
"There were some people who called the principals," the district's superintendent, John Friend, told Stateline. "They thought that someone was playing a prank."
The district also installed solar panels last year on the six-acre plot where the sheep graze. Friend hopes the panels will further reduce costs.
Reprinted in part from news.yahoo.com
USDA Asks for Input to Improve Processes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is soliciting ideas about how to improve processes by consolidating information collected through the Farm Service Agency, Risk Management Agency and other USDA agencies.
The department has asked for ideas about how to simplify and standardize acreage reporting processes, program dates and data definitions, as well as how to allow farmers to use their farm-management and precision-agriculture systems for reporting production, planted and harvested acreage and other information needed to participate.
Comments are due by Sept. 19. More information is available at www.usda.gov/open.
Dairy Video Goes Viral
When Derik Milanesio decided to create a music video on his dairy farm in Strathmore, Calif., last month, he had no idea the attention it would receive. The music video, "Where them cows at," has gone viral. As of Monday, the video has had more than 8,200 views and the number keeps climbing. The video is available at http://vimeo.com/25964011.
Milanesio, herd manager for Frank Pinheiro Dairy, says he got the idea for the video after watching a friend's video on YouTube. His friend is a chicken farmer in Arkansas who made a video (youtube.com/watch?v=MFjE0qeUOq4) about the "chicks" on his farm.
"I said I can do better than that," says Milanesio.
Milanesio says he is surprised at how quickly the video took off. "We weren't originally planning to share it, but before we knew, it had already gone viral," he says.
The other surprising thing, he says, is that the video was spread by the agriculture industry - "It is amazing to see how the agriculture industry is connected."
Reprinted in part from Dairyherd.com
Uruguay Expects Smallest Wool Clip in Over 100 Years
Uruguay is facing its smallest clip in over 100 years. The 2011-2012 season's wool production is estimated to be limited to 32 million kilograms, according to Joaquin Martinicorena, president of Uruguay's Wool Secretariat (SUL).
The disclosure was done during the official opening of the Uruguay 2011-2012 shearing season.
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Tabare Aguerre, said the clip this year will include the shearing of 7.5 million sheep and close to 2 million lambs, totaling an estimated 32 million kilograms of wool. A couple of decades ago, Uruguay's flock was more than 25 million.
However, the 2011-2012 season will be "the inflection point for Uruguay's falling sheep stock because of the excellent prices for wool and lamb", added SUL president.
Minister Aguerre said he was optimistic about the future of the sheep industry, emphasizing that sheep play an important role in rural development and social inclusion, and the purpose of the National Strategic Plan for the sector is basically to expand the production of lambs.
Reprinted in part from mercopress.com
Financing to Enable Largest Slaughter Facility in Norway
The Nordic Investment Bank announced it signed a loan with Norwegian meat and egg supplier, Nortura SA, for NOK 315 million (US$58 million) to finance construction of what will become Norway's largest slaughterhouse.
The facility, to be constructed in central Norway, will slaughter cattle and sheep.
The new slaughterhouse will replace four of Nortura's old slaughterhouses, as well as a meat processing plant. In addition, three slaughterhouses owned by the meat company Spis Grilstad will be replaced due to a cooperation agreement between Nortura and Spis Grilstad.
Nortura expects to more than cut in half energy consumption by replacing the older slaughterhouses with a new modern facility. The new slaughterhouse, which was finalized in August 2010, will also significantly reduce water usage.
Nortura SA is organized as a cooperative owned by approximately 17,800 farmers and has industrial operations in 34 municipalities, with approximately 5,800 employees.
Reprinted in part from meatingplace.org
HSUS: Dreadful Charity Practices
Three times a year, the venerable American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP) analyzes publicly reported information from charities and issues a report card grading how well these organizations spend their money. Unlike other charity analysts, AIP digs past the face-value data to get a more accurate measure of how effective a charity is.
In its latest report, AIP gives the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) a "D" grade, yet again. Last year, AIP gave HSUS a "D" grade, twice, due to the animal rights group's lackluster performance in using donors' contributions. Even the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a "C-plus" grade.
AIP finds that HSUS spends up to 49 cents to raise every dollar and spends as little as 49 percent of its budget on programs.
This is similar to the findings of Animal People News' Watchdog Report, which analyzed HSUS' 2008 tax return and found that up to half of HSUS' budget is spent on overhead costs.
It's worse when you consider that HSUS' grossly inefficient spending is likely done with a lot of money that donors intended to go to real humane societies, such as their local pet shelter, and not an animal rights group.
According to national polling, 71 percent of Americans mistake HSUS for a pet-shelter umbrella group, and 63 percent wrongly believe that HSUS is affiliated with their local humane society or pet shelter. In reality, HSUS shockingly shares less than one percent of its budget with these needy local shelters.
Reprinted in part from humanewatch.org
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's prices for wool can be accessed at www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=prsu&topic=col-nl-wm.
From: "Suen65@aol.com" <Suen65@aol.com>
To: wjbrown@wildblue.net; brownjpaul@yahoo.com; meanmomma2@gmail.com; ned_barb@frontier.net; hbaxstrom@gmail.com; waynebuck@wildblue.net; ranchluv@yahoo.com; debbiebrown_6@yahoo.com; jeffbarnes@wildblue.net; k.briar@hotmail.com; dlbriar@hotmail.com; lasaterlamb@gmail.com; rjnaegle@frontier.net
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 3:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: American Sheep Industry Weekly August 26, 2011
In a message dated 8/26/2011 1:37:10 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, mary@sheepusa.org writes:
HSUS: Dreadful Charity Practices
Three times a year, the venerable American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP) analyzes publicly reported information from charities and issues a report card grading how well these organizations spend their money. Unlike other charity analysts, AIP digs past the face-value data to get a more accurate measure of how effective a charity is.
In its latest report, AIP gives the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) a "D" grade, yet again. Last year, AIP gave HSUS a "D" grade, twice, due to the animal rights group's lackluster performance in using donors' contributions. Even the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a "C-plus" grade.
AIP finds that HSUS spends up to 49 cents to raise every dollar and spends as little as 49 percent of its budget on programs.
This is similar to the findings of Animal People News' Watchdog Report, which analyzed HSUS' 2008 tax return and found that up to half of HSUS' budget is spent on overhead costs.
It's worse when you consider that HSUS' grossly inefficient spending is likely done with a lot of money that donors intended to go to real humane societies, such as their local pet shelter, and not an animal rights group.
According to national polling, 71 percent of Americans mistake HSUS for a pet-shelter umbrella group, and 63 percent wrongly believe that HSUS is affiliated with their local humane society or pet shelter. In reality, HSUS shockingly shares less than one percent of its budget with these needy local shelters.
Reprinted in part from humanewatch.org
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August 26, 2011
American Sheep Industry Association; 9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360; Englewood, CO 80112-2692 Phone: (303) 771-3500 Fax: (303) 771-8200 Writer/Editor: Judy Malone E-mail: judym@sheepusa.org Web sites: http://www.sheepusa.org and http://www.sheepindustrynews.org
ASI Recommends Changes to FSIS Lamb Nutrition Facts
In July 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) published a nutritional fact sheet for lamb and other meats. The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) and the American Lamb Board reviewed the lamb fact sheet and, in a letter to FSIS this week, recommended several corrections.
These recommendations included the misidentification of a cut and modifications to cut trimming standards, specific calorie and protein content and specific cooking methods.
Motion to Bar Wolf Hunts Denied
A federal appeals court on Thursday denied a request by animal activist groups to halt wolf hunts that are scheduled to begin next week in Idaho and Montana.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request by the groups that were seeking to cancel the hunts while the court considers a challenge to congressional action in April that removed wolves from federal protection in Montana and Idaho and in parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah.
Wolf hunts are scheduled to begin Aug. 30 in Idaho and Sept. 3 in Montana.
Reprinted in part from GreatFallsTribune.com
Eastern Wolf's Territory Labeled as Gray Wolf's
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reopened the public comment period on its May 5 proposal to remove the gray wolf population in the Western Great Lakes from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife because the wolf there actually is a different species. Removing all or parts of 29 eastern states from the gray wolf's designation of critical habitat also is being addressed.
The original public comment period closed on July 5, and the agency says it received more than 800 comments on the proposal.
The controversy regarding the gray wolf revolves around the reclassification of what the agency now believes are two distinct species of wolf, the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon). The eastern wolf has historically been classified as a subspecies of gray wolf.
Species are listed under the Endangered Species Act at the species level, so once the agency had determined that the eastern wolf was in fact its own species, a reevaluation of protections afforded the gray wolf was instigated by several state fish and game departments and conservation groups.
Currently, the gray wolf is listed as endangered throughout the eastern United States, even though that area is the historical range of the newly recognized species the eastern wolf.
Thus, the agency proposed to delist the gray wolf in areas now believed to be the range of the eastern wolf and to initiate a status review of the eastern wolf throughout its range.
The extended comment period will close Sept. 26. To review the Federal Register posting, go to www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-26/html/2011-21839.htm.
Forum to Focus on Antibiotic Use in Food Animal Production
The use of antibiotics in the production of food animals elicits polarizing opinions across the media today as consumers become more aware and interested in the way their food is produced. While livestock producers have realized that significant animal illness can be avoided by the use of antibiotics, consumers are being told that any use of antibiotics leads to a lower effectiveness of antibiotics in humans.
Although there have been several debates and discussions on this issue, the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) is planning a national forum in which experts in animal agriculture, researchers in the area of livestock health and experts in human health will come together to have a dialogue about the use of antibiotics in the sustainable production of food.
Participants in the forum will have the opportunity to hear from the research leaders and experts and join in the dialogue.
The forum, entitled "Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: A Dialogue for a Common Purpose," is scheduled to be held at the Hotel InterContinental O'Hare in Chicago, Ill., on Oct. 26-27. Registration is open to anyone interested in this issue. The registration fee is $295 with discounts for early registration and for NIAA members.
For more information, go to www.animalagriculture.org.
Quiet Start to First Internet Wool Auction
One of Australia's oldest industries has finally embraced the internet age with the first-ever online wool auction. Wool has been sold over the internet in the past via an electronic offer board, but the new system launched by the company, Auctions Plus, allows buyers to bid for bales in real time.
Landmark wool manager, Dave Hart, says it will take some time for interest in the new system to build amongst both buyers and sellers.
"It was a very interesting exercise, met with probably limited success in terms of how many bales were sold. Out of 1,100 bales offered, only 243 bales were sold," Hart said. "The online auction is planned to be a weekly event but will be conducted in a cooperative manner with the rest of the wool trade. It's a marketing option to complement what we already have, the proponents are saying."
The online auction was conducted last week by Wool Trade Plus, an arm of Auctions Plus, which has run livestock auctions online for many years. Auctions Plus is jointly owned by Landmark, Elders, and Rural Co. (also known as Roberts Ltd).
Reprinted in part from ABC Rural, Australia
Pennsylvania School District Using Sheep to Cut Costs
A small school district in Carlisle, Penn., is losing $2 million in state support this year after the state legislature made some of the largest education cuts in decades. But one school has come up with a creative way to take a small bite out of that deficit.
Tucked into a very informative article at Stateline about education cuts around the country is the delightful fact that Carlisle's Wilson Middle School assistant principal has donated the use of seven of his sheep to cut the school's grass. The sheep are expected to save the district an estimated $15,000 on yearly mowing costs.
"There were some people who called the principals," the district's superintendent, John Friend, told Stateline. "They thought that someone was playing a prank."
The district also installed solar panels last year on the six-acre plot where the sheep graze. Friend hopes the panels will further reduce costs.
Reprinted in part from news.yahoo.com
USDA Asks for Input to Improve Processes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is soliciting ideas about how to improve processes by consolidating information collected through the Farm Service Agency, Risk Management Agency and other USDA agencies.
The department has asked for ideas about how to simplify and standardize acreage reporting processes, program dates and data definitions, as well as how to allow farmers to use their farm-management and precision-agriculture systems for reporting production, planted and harvested acreage and other information needed to participate.
Comments are due by Sept. 19. More information is available at www.usda.gov/open.
Dairy Video Goes Viral
When Derik Milanesio decided to create a music video on his dairy farm in Strathmore, Calif., last month, he had no idea the attention it would receive. The music video, "Where them cows at," has gone viral. As of Monday, the video has had more than 8,200 views and the number keeps climbing. The video is available at http://vimeo.com/25964011.
Milanesio, herd manager for Frank Pinheiro Dairy, says he got the idea for the video after watching a friend's video on YouTube. His friend is a chicken farmer in Arkansas who made a video (youtube.com/watch?v=MFjE0qeUOq4) about the "chicks" on his farm.
"I said I can do better than that," says Milanesio.
Milanesio says he is surprised at how quickly the video took off. "We weren't originally planning to share it, but before we knew, it had already gone viral," he says.
The other surprising thing, he says, is that the video was spread by the agriculture industry - "It is amazing to see how the agriculture industry is connected."
Reprinted in part from Dairyherd.com
Uruguay Expects Smallest Wool Clip in Over 100 Years
Uruguay is facing its smallest clip in over 100 years. The 2011-2012 season's wool production is estimated to be limited to 32 million kilograms, according to Joaquin Martinicorena, president of Uruguay's Wool Secretariat (SUL).
The disclosure was done during the official opening of the Uruguay 2011-2012 shearing season.
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Tabare Aguerre, said the clip this year will include the shearing of 7.5 million sheep and close to 2 million lambs, totaling an estimated 32 million kilograms of wool. A couple of decades ago, Uruguay's flock was more than 25 million.
However, the 2011-2012 season will be "the inflection point for Uruguay's falling sheep stock because of the excellent prices for wool and lamb", added SUL president.
Minister Aguerre said he was optimistic about the future of the sheep industry, emphasizing that sheep play an important role in rural development and social inclusion, and the purpose of the National Strategic Plan for the sector is basically to expand the production of lambs.
Reprinted in part from mercopress.com
Financing to Enable Largest Slaughter Facility in Norway
The Nordic Investment Bank announced it signed a loan with Norwegian meat and egg supplier, Nortura SA, for NOK 315 million (US$58 million) to finance construction of what will become Norway's largest slaughterhouse.
The facility, to be constructed in central Norway, will slaughter cattle and sheep.
The new slaughterhouse will replace four of Nortura's old slaughterhouses, as well as a meat processing plant. In addition, three slaughterhouses owned by the meat company Spis Grilstad will be replaced due to a cooperation agreement between Nortura and Spis Grilstad.
Nortura expects to more than cut in half energy consumption by replacing the older slaughterhouses with a new modern facility. The new slaughterhouse, which was finalized in August 2010, will also significantly reduce water usage.
Nortura SA is organized as a cooperative owned by approximately 17,800 farmers and has industrial operations in 34 municipalities, with approximately 5,800 employees.
Reprinted in part from meatingplace.org
HSUS: Dreadful Charity Practices
Three times a year, the venerable American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP) analyzes publicly reported information from charities and issues a report card grading how well these organizations spend their money. Unlike other charity analysts, AIP digs past the face-value data to get a more accurate measure of how effective a charity is.
In its latest report, AIP gives the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) a "D" grade, yet again. Last year, AIP gave HSUS a "D" grade, twice, due to the animal rights group's lackluster performance in using donors' contributions. Even the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a "C-plus" grade.
AIP finds that HSUS spends up to 49 cents to raise every dollar and spends as little as 49 percent of its budget on programs.
This is similar to the findings of Animal People News' Watchdog Report, which analyzed HSUS' 2008 tax return and found that up to half of HSUS' budget is spent on overhead costs.
It's worse when you consider that HSUS' grossly inefficient spending is likely done with a lot of money that donors intended to go to real humane societies, such as their local pet shelter, and not an animal rights group.
According to national polling, 71 percent of Americans mistake HSUS for a pet-shelter umbrella group, and 63 percent wrongly believe that HSUS is affiliated with their local humane society or pet shelter. In reality, HSUS shockingly shares less than one percent of its budget with these needy local shelters.
Reprinted in part from humanewatch.org
Weekly National Market Prices for WoolThe U.S. Department of Agriculture's prices for wool can be accessed at www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=prsu&topic=col-nl-wm.
Category | 2011 | Effective | LDP Rate | |||||
Graded Wool | CLEAN PRICES in $ per pound | |||||||
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